Where Was God?

Where Was God – by Sheila L. Jackosn

Where Was God? Fayth Angelica Hope, questioned after the death of her father. Reared by a mother who could give, Cruella Deville, a run for her money as, “The Queen of Mean,” Fayth turns her back on the church, her faith, and love. She believed, no, just and merciful God would have abandoned her to the harsh brutality of her mother’s iron fist. Her emotional and spiritual scars run deep, lasting into adulthood. 

As a promising investigative reporter, she decides to change her name. Her given name of Fayth has more curses attached to it than blessings. She hopes the switch to Angelica will give her the clean slate she desires. 

Assigned to investigate financial advisor Jasion McCoy, Angelica goes in determined to expose him for embezzlement. She hopes the story will advance her career as one of the top reporters across the country. Instantly, there is an attraction. But she hides her feelings from him. After a series of missteps, broken heartedness, and rejections in her past, she buries the notion of any man, especially a man of his caliber, ever loving her. With the evidence stacked against him, she believes his only interest in her, is to keep from going to prison. 

Top-notch financial advisor Jasion McCoy is in the middle of an embezzlement scheme. When Angelica Hope shows up in his office, he knows he’s in trouble. She is one of the hottest investigative reporters in Port City and now she’s gunning for him. How can Jasion convince her that he is innocent? And how can he hold back his feeling for the woman who’s out to do him in?


Meet twelve year old Fayth Hope.  She’s burying her father in our first scene.  Immediately, you feel her pain, but you also see that you’re not going to like her mother.  She is a bit…umm….ratchet..(that’s all I could use to describe it!).  Fayth was taught by her father how to love God and how to serve him.  She trusts God, but when God doesn’t deliver her from her abusive mother’s clutches, she loses her faith and vows to never trust Him again.

As a grown up, Fayth has stayed true to her word.  God is not a part of her life and she has no desire to know him.  I think that’s something we can all relate to.  At some point on our journey, we’ve had to wonder why God didn’t respond a certain way to a situation.  He is the Creator and it just seems like He wouldn’t let anything bad happen.  Right?  That’s where Fayth…I mean…Angelica was stuck.  She couldn’t let go and really understand that everything that happened to her (yeah…you find out..and you will NOT like it) was something to build her and perhaps help someone else.  Often, we are so bogged down in how our circumstances bother us but we don’t take a moment to see how it may help someone else…

Now…right off there were some things that you know will happen.  This is a romance and suspense novel.  What you don’t see even when you think you do, is a twist the author throws in.  I didn’t see that coming and for a minute I was confused!  Anyhoo, this story is a good quick read.

Now…I’ve already spoken to the author about this, but I do have to mention it here.  There were quite a few proofing mishaps that had me screaming.  It’s all very minor but it’s A LOT of minor.  It’s nothing that takes away from the story necessarily, but when you’re the kind of reader that I am, it can dampen your mood toward the book.  Don’t let that discourage you.  The story has a great flow…and every time you think…”is this when?”…nope…you’re pushed on toward the end.

three and a half stars


About kimyatta

I am the mother of a teenager...'nuff said. I love to read, write, sing and listen to music. I am a contributing author to The Motherhood Diaries and The Motherhood Diaries 2 by Reshonda Tate Billingsley with 21 other fabulous authors. I'm also a teacher...a lover of God and a renewed spirit. I've got my Freedom Papers!
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